Today, August 15, 2012, would’ve been Julia Child’s 100th birthday. If you do not know who she was; she was the forerunner of all of the TV chefs that you see today. She was the Emeril of the 1950s and the Rachael Ray of the 60s, 70s, 80s, and the first part of the 90s. She made cooking cool.
With an ever present wine glass and a jovial Bon Appetit, Child would send her viewers away with a taste of French cuisine and a love for the finer things in life.
It seemed that Julia Child might have also been a spy. According to just released reports from the 1940s, Child worked for the OSS, which was a precursor to the CIA, during World War II. She had tried to enlist in the Navy but was deemed to be too tall. She was 6’2”, which in those days was considered huge for a woman. Still wanting to help out in the war she turned to the OSS, and listed herself incorrectly as 6’; I guess a little white lie never hurt anyone.
She started out in the typing pool, but was quickly promoted to work directly with the top officials in the government agency. She supposedly handled many top secret documents and may have worked covertly as well.
It seems that Julia Child was much more than a celebrated chef. She helped America when she was needed the most. It was only years later that she began to tempt our senses, delve into our souls, and make the world taste just a bit better, the only way she knew how: through our stomachs!
So, here’s to you Julia Child. May your wine glass be full and your memory continue to grow. Happy Birthday and Bon Appetit!