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Showing posts from 2014

We Heard You...Another Thought On The EBWW

Now that the euphoria of the Erma Bombeck Writer's Workshop has begun to fade I find myself wondering if it had somehow been a dream. Over 300 of the funniest women around sprinkled with just a handful of men brave enough to withstand such an estrogen filled space.   At my first workshop in 2012, I made a lot of friends but was still somewhat shy when I found myself in the company of a famous person. Most of the pictures that I took that year were from the back-- from the back of the ballroom, the back of the classroom and even from the back of the Bombeck family. Yes, I was so in awe of this family that I followed them around and took pictures of the backs of their heads because I sat behind them whenever I could.  Fast forward two years and my how things had changed. No more sitting in the back and stalking the Bombecks from behind. In fact, I never really got close to the family this year. (I don't know if they had called security on me or not.) I did ex...

Announcing My New Book

I'm happy to announce the publication of my new book Scrunchie-Fried. Have you ever been Schrunchie-Fried? I hadn't either until I looked in the mirror one day and was shocked at what I saw. Where had that cute, short-haired  blond girl with hints of freckles on her nose disappeared to? In her place was a graying middle-age woman with long hair pulled into a ponytail held in place by a Scrunchie. Everything about her was gray including her complexion, her eyebrows and her disposition. And upon closer inspection, even her freckles had turn gray. It was everywhere.... ...and I was over it. What came next was a year long conversion into a happier and more positive me. Out with the gray and in with the new. In my new book, you'll find some of my personal stories as I transformed myself from drab gray to perky blue. Also inside are several true stories that I wrote about my mom and dad and the events that shaped their early lives. You'll also find a few quirky an...

Happy Valentine's Day

I was looking through Valentine's Day cards the other day trying to find just the perfect ones to give to family and friends when I became totally disgusted at how expensive they were--five bucks for a card--I don't think so. Anyhow, being the somewhat intelligent and extremely clever person that I am, I remembered getting valentines when I was in school for everyone in my class and they all came in one box. Voila! What a great idea! They each came with their own envelope and were generally large enough to be sent through the mail. The sayings might be seen as childish, but others might think they were cute and I could always insert a heartfelt hand written note inside. Plus, there were usually thirty cards in a box and they came relatively cheap. It sounded like a good idea... ...but? ...but? I didn't know it would be so damn hard to find a box of ordinary old-timey valentines . Geesh! Here I was at Wallyworld and the only thing I could find was Justin Beiber, ...